


  1. 国内保修
  2. bet3365标准版审查/推荐



在美国本土盾,bet3365标准版相信 国内保修 是不是比一张纸或一个月的账单多. It’s a state of mind knowing you’re covered when things break down in your home. 但不要只相信bet3365标准版的话. See how 唯有通过 home warranties have helped over 2 million members each and every day.




Tiffany used 美国本土盾 to repair her AC in her first year of membership—and that was 14 years ago. 看看她为什么说唯有通过是一项“伟大的投资”.”


南希可能要花一大笔钱来更换热水器. 但是,多亏了唯有通过,她享受到了“无价的内心平静”.”


唯有通过 saves millions of homeowners time and stress knowing their systems are covered, including Carl. “这是你不担心的感觉.”

消息传出去了. 像bet3365标准版这样的人.


在过去的7年半里,我与唯有通过有过很好的经历. 他们对你的保单承保他们所说的. 如果你不满意,你可以打电话,他们会派其他人出去. 一些提供商的等待时间比其他提供商好,但总体而言, 我下次一定会用的.

布伦达一. 德州

一切都进行得顺利而高效. bet3365标准版有几个星期的零件延迟,但它是什么. 整体的大!!

雅各米. 加州

总的来说,bet3365标准版对美国本土盾非常满意. 他们行动迅速,与体面的承包商合作. bet3365标准版以前的bet3365标准版公司有很多问题. 这绝对是一场噩梦,他们派来的人简直就是个笑话. bet3365标准版很高兴bet3365标准版换成了美国本土盾.

安娜P. 加州

优秀的客户服务和专业的技术人员. 他们向我解释一切并提供反馈. 整个体验非常棒. 我强烈推荐唯有通过.

Dana C. 华盛顿D.C.

Although the process took a long time from start to finish, I was very happy overall. 亚当, my plumbing technician was awesome and very helpful and informative in answering all my questions.

奥古斯汀L. 加州

Overall 唯有通过 is a good company to have if you don’t have a lot of money to repair or replace broken systems and appliances in your home. The only thing is some things are not covered depending on the state you live in, 但情况可能会更糟.

Regina年代. 德州

总的来说,bet3365标准版的热水器更换经验很好. 花的时间比我预计的要长, 但最终还是完成了, 而且安装的质量也很好.

瑞安W. 德州

与唯有通过的预约非常容易. 他们选了一个好电工来做这项工作. 总的来说,对唯有通过非常满意.

罗伯特·R. 加州

很好的服务! I had my problem way faster than I originally thought and very nice experience overall.

凯茜H. 路易斯安那州

在网上提出服务请求是否很容易. 技术人员被安排并及时到达. Unfotunately, he felt that the unit needed to be replaced and 唯有通过 offered several reasonable options for the defective unit. 总的来说对交易很满意.

丹尼斯·F. 南卡罗来纳

伟大的 experience with the technician that came to my home and took care of my water main, 他反应迅速,知识渊博,而且很有礼貌. 整体体验很棒.

恩里克P. 内华达

非常专业. 发短信告诉我到达的时间,然后准时到达. 整体体验很棒!

乔恩 N/A

我提交了两个维修请求,其中一个在同一天完成. The second repair took a bit longer, but the reasoning was understandable (part ordered). 总的来说,得到的服务是高效和专业的. We have been with 唯有通过 since May 2013, and will continue the business/customer relation.

约翰尼·V. 德州

Prompt service and the service provider was able to fix our air conditioner issue. Another technician from a different company told us that we would need to replace the system! 谢天谢地,在bet3365标准版需要购买新系统之前,bet3365标准版还有一点时间! 这不是最新的系统!

南希T. 北卡罗莱纳

I understand in this world and day and age we're all experiencing part delay issues. 然而,我总是向每个人推荐唯有通过. It's definitely nice to feel like I have someone behind me when an expensive appliance breaks.

Abrianna年代. 伊利诺斯州

指派当地的一家公司修理器具. 技术人员提前到达并迅速诊断出问题. 修复并检查了任何其他问题. 伟大的工作.

吉尔伯特N. 德州

I used my 唯有通过 warranty for the first time ever and it was a great experience. 非常容易. 我的烘干机发出敲击声. 唯有通过选择的家电维修公司星级很低,我对此持怀疑态度. 然而,修理工很好,解决了问题,然后出去了. 如果以后再有任何电器问题,我会请那位修理工来处理. 感谢观众!

K.M. N/A

bet3365标准版的制冰机在bet3365标准版去度假之前又坏了. 精英电器派了伊森, he ordered a new ice maker (our fourth since arriving in 德州) a new fan and a new control center. He tried to get it repaired before our trip and the parts did come the day we left so we scheduled it for when we got back. 他进了不到一个小时就出来了. Very pleased with Elite, we will ask 唯有通过 to have them come out for any appliance issues.

亚历克西斯米. 加州

Have had 2 separate issues with home appliance/HVAC since joining 美国本土盾. 在这两种情况下,问题都在合理的时间内得到解决. 在一个案例中,我不得不升级,但最终结果令人满意. 好的方面是bet3365标准版通过电子邮件/短信保持联系. Would highly recommend that all homeowners join this company for added protection for your home. 月租费已经收回很多次了.

萝珊米. N/A

唯有通过是一个救星. 首先,我的室外冷却系统坏了. Accent Heating, their contracted Heating and cooling company came and repaired the system. Several months later, my indoor system went out and it was repaired promptly. 我的两个装置都快20年了. 这对他们来说并不重要. 我向我的朋友推荐了唯有通过和Accent两种加热方式!

乔安妮一. 华盛顿

HVAC system went out, also had a microwave stop working and pipes leaks under my sink. 为所有项目提出服务请求. 美国安全协会照顾了他们所有人. 对他们的服务非常满意. 试试吧,你会喜欢的.

安迪克. N/A

美国本土盾 has responded twice recently to problems we reported from our normally comfy condo. 这台27岁的电器放弃了. 燃气热水器的燃烧器系统自动熄火了. 唯有通过派出服务公司并授权更换. 几个星期后,在炎热的夏天,空调放弃了. 唯有通过 responded quickly, sending the service man to diagnose and repair, helping us keep our cool. 确定, our rates have increased as you might expect; however, the outcomes in service we experienced this year make it a worthy investment.

史蒂夫·C. 北卡罗莱纳

我的维修技术人员及时,知识渊博 & 专业. 他把我的烤箱修理得“像新的一样”. 他还提供了一些使用技巧,以延长我的设备的使用寿命.

伯爵D. 德州

卓越的客户服务. 快速响应的服务. 立即通过短信和邮件回答我的问题. Quality experts who handled my appliance issues, stove and fridge, effieciently and effectively.

德维恩维. N/A

American Homeshield provided assistance when our air conditioner became inoperable. 他们非常迅速、专业,对bet3365标准版的需求非常关注. They dispatched a very competent and knowledgeable HVAC service provider which promptly identified the problem and got our system up and running. 我全心全意地向我所有的朋友和家人推荐唯有通过.

卡尔·H. 北卡罗莱纳


A 国内保修 plan from 美国本土盾 is worth it if you want to protect your budget from the cost and inconvenience of unexpected breakdowns. A 国内保修 empowers homeowners to feel confident and in control of their homes. We offer plans that cover the home systems and appliances we rely on every day to keep our homes and lives running smoothly.

一旦你购买了bet3365标准版计划, there is a 30-day activation period before you can start using it and place your first service request. However, if you purchased a real estate plan, your warranty becomes active at closing. Once your plan is active, all you have to do is place a service request for a covered item. bet3365标准版会指派一位专家专门研究你的问题. They will contact you to schedule a visit to diagnose the problem and identify a solution. We’ll pay for your covered repair up to your agreement terms and help get you back up and running. 就这么简单!



只有当它是一个未知的预先存在的条件或问题. 有了唯有通过,你可以获得以下保险:

  • 正常的磨损,不管物品的使用年限 
  • 未知的,预先存在的崩溃 
  • 无维护记录项目 
  • 同一件物品的复制品,比如多余的空调 
  • 拆除有缺陷的设备 
  • 制冷剂的回收、回收和处理
  • 由于安装或维修不当造成的故障, 维护不足, 生锈, 腐蚀和沉积物以及不匹配的暖通空调系统

看到 计划协议 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用. 并非覆盖所有地区. 

是的,如果你是出租物业的业主. You can easily purchase an 美国本土盾 国内保修 for your rental property online at 唯有通过.com.


别担心. 是保证.


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